an AMG movie e
This is artist Etienne's concept of the AMG film "ALADDIN" which
features Tony Collier as Aladdin. In our film Aladdin
and the Geni dont quite make it over the rooftops,
but they do do a few tricks and the film
is full of fun and good body display.
PRICES: 16mm $17 (277 ft)
8mm $11.50 (140 ft) Catalog of stills:
15 cents
ALADDIN, illustrated above is just one of the many AMG films, In addition to those illustrated in this issue of PP, the $7 (16mm) $4,65 (8mm); $8 (8mm) COWBOYS & INDIANS $11, $7.50; $11, $7.50;
following films are now in stock: WENGRYN AT THE BEACH $10 (16mm) $7 (8m AND THE SAILOR $12 (16mm)
STREET FIGHT $12 (16mm) $8 (8mm)
RELUCTANT MODEL $11, $7.50. BROTHER CINDER-ELMER PHAROAH'S NEW SLAVE $11., $7.50. WITCH BOY $16, $11; RICHARD HARRISON $8., $5. After April 1, 1959: REVENGE OF TRITON $16, $11. After May 1: Grey And The Black: $16, $11. Other films being released during the summer of 1959: BOYS IN PRISON and AZTEC SACRIFICE. (Prices and
14 other data will appear in Vol 51 issue of PP.).
Please send in your ideas for interesting AMG movies. into a movie, the sender gets a free copy of the film.
Whenever a script or even a fully presented idea is worked
Scene from the Zenith production "THE CAPTIVE". Пlustrated here are Frank Hlivjka, Alan Parker, and Bob Triche. John Krivos (also known as John Novak) is in the film too but wasn't on hand the day the stills were made. Prices of film are given on page 19 of this issue of PP. "The Captive" was shot entirely on the AMG lot, but by a Zenith crew and it is released exclusively by Zenith, AMG offers stills of Bob Triche. Zenith offers stills of the other actors. CLOSING OF MUSCLE BEACH. Muscle Beach (at Santa Monica California) actually began to die long ago. Once one of the great show places of the West Coast, certain degenerate minds in Santa Monica City government methodically set about on ways to drive the athletes away. One of the plotlocked traffic (which they did, just as a fine display in a department store was to move the exhibition platford hundreds of feet away from the boardwalk under the pretense that gathering crowds window stops traffic.) Then for a while weightlifting was forbidden because of a possible lawsuit, until energetic lovers "Muscle Beach Club" paid for by $3 yearly memberships which paid for training equipment, insurance etc. of muscledom
of the sport formed a sellporting were busy at work in other ways. One was to require photographers to pay a
$100 fee for the "privilege" of taking professional pictures at Muscle Beach. None of the photographers really cared enough to bother to make a court test case of this ridiculous ruling, but of course it helped keep physically-culture minded people away from the beach. Numerous other breaches of citizens' rights were put in practice by SM city officials. Shortly before Christmas, five Muscle Beach boys (including two national champion wtlifters) were arrested for allegedly molesting two young colored girls ages 12 and 14. At the goading of Santa Monica's putrid yellow journal newspaper often referred to by its disgusted citizens as "The Evening Outrage" this arrest was used as a basis for closing Muscle Beach and an apparently frustrated Council-woman has demanded that the council permanently close the area. Reason offered was that the beach attracted "undersirable types." We wonder if this same council recommends the closing of bars or dance halls when mayhem or murder occurs in them, But then we can expect small minds to react in small ways.
Santa Monica City is currently being sued by the Ebony Club because its members say officials have condemned their Club Building as a discriminatory action against negroes. But Santa Monica is not noted for its love of American principles for its intolerance for all minority groups.